Helpful Resources

Chapter 119 F.S.

Florida Statutes Chapter 119 outlines state policy on public records. It states what documents are considered public record, what information is exempt from public disclosure and how states offices are expected to comply with requests for public records.


Cost Estimate Policy

In accordance with Chapter 119 of the Florida Statutes, requests that require extensive use of state resources are subject to a fee. Should a fee apply, requestors will be provided with an initial labor deposit that represents half of the total cost estimate. Upon receipt of payment, the Office of Open Government will continue to process the request. Once documents have completed processing, an additional invoice for the remainder of the total cost estimate may be assessed before production of the responsive documents.

Cost Estimate Template


Agency Contact Sheet

Each state agency processes requests for public records in which they are the custodian of. If you have questions about which state agency to direct a request to, please feel free to contact the Governor’s Office of Open Government.

Open Government Contacts by Agency


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