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Governor Ron DeSantis Reappoints Peter Collins to the Florida State University Board of Trustees


TALLAHASSEE, Fla.—Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced the reappointment of Peter Collins to the Florida State University Board of Trustees. 

Peter Collins
Collins is the Co-Founder and Managing Principal of Forge Capital Partners, LLC. and the Chief Executive Officer of Forge’s real estate private equity fund business. Active in his community, he is the Vice President of Boy Scouts of America Greater Tampa Bay Area Council’s Executive Committee, a member of the Urban Land Institute and the International Council of Shopping Centers, serves on the Board of the Florida Council of 100, and is the former Chair of the State of Florida’s Pension Investment Advisory Council. Collins earned his bachelor's degree in finance and his master’s degree in business administration from Florida State University. 

This appointment is subject to confirmation by the Florida Senate.