Highest Honor to ever be Bestowed on an American Governor by Ariel University

Ariel, Israel – Today, Governor Ron DeSantis attended a recognition ceremony at Ariel University where he was presented with the Honorary Fellowship Award for his dedication, leadership and commitment to the State of Israel. This award is the highest honor ever to be bestowed on an American Governor by the University. Present at the ceremony were philanthropists Sheldon Adelson and Dr. Miriam Adelson, the Honorable Eli Shaviro, Mayor of Ariel and Ariel University President Yehuda Danon.

“I promised to be the most pro-Israel Governor in America and I sincerely thank Ariel University for presenting me the Honorary Fellowship Award,” said Governor DeSantis. “This recognition means a lot and I am humbled to be the recipient. Let it be known that Florida will always stand with Israel, our greatest ally in the Middle East.”

“Today is a very special day for us to honor and welcome a true friend of Ariel University and the State of Israel, Governor Ron DeSantis, as well as members of the Florida Cabinet,” said Ariel University President Yehuda Danon. “Having Governor DeSantis here with us today signals a new way forward. He represents a new hope – an honest and committed voice – for not just the people of the great state of Florida, but for all of us. Our university has a standing connection with Florida and are fortunate to have many great friends and supporters there. We thank the Governor for visiting us and seeing how academia and coexistence is flourishing here at Ariel University. It also is an honor for our university to have the Mayor of Ariel, the Honorable Eli Shaviro, here with us today.”

Photo Credit: Governor’s Press Office



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