2014 Executive Orders


#2014-331 Executive Order declares a vacancy for the Leon Co. Sheriff due to death of Larry Campbell. 12/24/2014
#2014-330 Executive Order declares a violation of Ethics re: Robert Saul Margolis, Mayor of the Village of Wellington. 12/23/2014
#2014-329 Executive Order declares a violation of Ethics re: David McLean, former Vice Mayor and City Commissioner for the City of Margate. 12/23/2014
#2014-328 Executive Order declares a violation of Ethics re: Anthony Grant, a former candidate for Mayor of Eatonville. 12/23/2014
#2014-327 Executive Order amends Executive Order 13-217. 12/22/2014
#2014-326 Executive Order extends 14-10 re: Thomas Tyler Rush. 12/22/2014
#2014-325 Executive Order extends 13-362 re: Jesse Allan Ward. 12/22/2014
#2014-324 Executive Order assigns the 13th Circuit to the 12th Circuit re: Karli Hough . 12/22/2014
#2014-323 Executive Order assigns the 18th Circuit to the 7th Circuit re: James Platt. 12/22/2014
#2014-322 Executive Order assigns the 19th Circuit to the 15th Circuit re: Virgil Harris. 12/22/2014
#2014-321 Executive Order extends 13-345 re: Barbara E. Piedra. 12/19/2014
#2014-320 Executive Order extends 13-368 re: Charles Lawson. 12/19/2014
#2014-319 Executive Order assigns the 1st Circuit to the 14th Circuit re: Kristy Michelle Hauser & Susan Lee Hughen. 12/19/2014
#2014-318 Executive Order assigns the 11th Circuit to the 16th Circuit re: Steve Dale Whiteside. 12/19/2014
#2014-317 Executive Order assigns the 16th Circuit to the 11th Circuit re: Steve Multimore. 12/19/2014
#2014-316 Executive Order assigns the 17th Circuit to the 11th Circuit re: Yvette Hernandez. 12/17/2014
#2014-315 Executive Order assigns the 20th Circuit to the 17th Circuit re: Joseph Scopa. 12/17/2014
#2014-314 Executive Order assigns the 11th Circuit to the 17th Circuit re: Andree J. Espinoza. 12/17/2014
#2014-313 Executive Order assigns the 17th Circuit to the 11th Circuit re: Jean Ganthier and Gassendi Ganthier. 12/17/2014
#2014-312 Executive Order assigns the 15th Circuit to the 17th Circuit re: Paul V. Miglio 12/17/2014
#2014-311 Executive Order extends 14-25 re: Anthony Pugliese III and Joseph Reamer. 12/03/2014
#2014-310 Executive Order assigns the 14th Circuit to the 1st Circuit re: Forest McCoy Hope. 12/03/2014
#2014-309 Executive Order assigns the 14th Circuit to the 1st Circuit re: Matthew Jon Laskaskie. 12/03/2014
#2014-308 Executive Order assigns the 17th Circuit to the 11th Circuit re: Vincent Emmanuel Fernandez. 12/03/2014
#2014-307 Executive Order extends 13-360 re: Walter Grant Kyser. 12/03/2014
#2014-306 Executive Order extends 13-369 amended by 14-23 re: Douglas Rowe. 12/03/2014
#2014-305 Executive Order assigns the 15th Circuit to the 17th Circuit re: Michael Scott Vonhedt. 12/03/2014
#2014-304 Executive Order assigns the 13th Circuit to the 12th Circuit re: Alyssa Goldman-Burr. 12/03/2014
#2014-303 Executive Order declares the date for a special election re: HD 64 Vacancy. 11/21/2014
#2014-302 Executive Order assigns the 11th Circuit to the 16th Circuit re: Michael Haggerty. 11/20/2014
#2014-301 Executive Order assigns the 1st Circuit to the 14th Circuit re: Christopher Robert Smith. 11/20/2014
#2014-300 Executive Order assigns the 6th Circuit to the 13th Circuit re: Thomas Mackey. 11/20/2014
#2014-299 Executive Order assigns the 1st Circuit to the 14th Circuit re: Jason M. Reichard. 11/20/2014
#2014-298 Executive Order assigns the 12th Circuit to the 20th Circuit re: David Allen Brener. 11/20/2014
#2014-297 Executive Order assigns the 14th Circuit to the 1st Circuit re: Russell Adam Cannon. 11/20/2014
#2014-296 Executive Order assigns the 5th Circuit to the 8th Circuit re: Kyle Bell. 11/20/2014
#2014-295 Executive Order established FWC/Youth Hunting. 11/13/2014
#2014-294 Executive Order amends Executive Order 14-292. 11/12/2014
#2014-293 Executive Order declares the date for a special election re: SD 6 – Resignation of John Thrasher. 11/10/2014
#2014-292 Executive Order declares the date for a special election re: HD 24 – Resignation of Travis Hutson. 11/10/2014
#2014-291 Executive Order declares the date for a special election re: HD 17 – Resignation of Ronald “Doc” Renuart. 11/10/2014
#2014-290 Executive Order assigns the 2nd Circuit to the 14th Circuit re: Kevin Scott Weeks. 11/07/2014
#2014-289 Executive Order extends 13-335 re: Joan Headley. 11/07/2014
#2014-288 Executive Order assigns the 4th Circuit to the 7th Circuit re: William Merrill and Rebecca Stiner. 11/07/2014
#2014-287 Executive Order assigns the 19th Circuit to the 18th Circuit re: Andy and Janielle Ziegler. 11/07/2014
#2014-286 Executive Order assigns the 17th Circuit to the 15th Circuit re: Courtney Richards. 10/30/2014
#2014-285 Executive Order assigns the 11th Circuit to the 17th Circuit re: Brahmadatt and Brahmanand Hardat. 10/30/2014
#2014-284 Executive Order assigns the 1st Circuit to the 14th Circuit re: Kristy Hauser and Anthony Brozozowki. 10/30/2014
#2014-283 Executive Order assigns the 13th Circuit to the 12th Circuit re: Zachary Brown. 10/30/2014
#2014-282 Executive Order assigns the 14th Circuit to the 1st Circuit re: Lance Bradford Martin. 10/30/2014
#2014-281 Executive Order assigns the 8th Circuit to the 4th Circuit re: Donna Sue Harden. 10/30/2014
#2014-280 Executive Order establishes Ebola Virus Disease Response Protocol. 10/25/2014
#2014-279 Executive Order extends 13-303 re: Contessa Bell, Secora Bell, Faith Bell, Frank Murrell and Siarra Lewis. 10/24/2014
#2014-278 Executive Order assigns the 15th Circuit to the 17th Circuit re: Ashley Nichole Done. 10/24/2014
#2014-277 Executive Order assigns the 15th Circuit to the 19th Circuit re: Steven Ziskinder. 10/15/2014
#2014-276 Executive Order assigns the 11th Circuit to the 17th Circuit re: David DeRosa. 10/09/2014
#2014-275 Executive Order extends 13-305 re: McCombs & Kimmons/death of Jewel Summerlin Melvin. 10/09/2014
#2014-274 Executive Order assigns the 15th Circuit to the 17th Circuit re: George Neuner. 10/09/2014
#2014-273 Executive Order assigns the 1st Circuit to the 14th Circuit re: Markus Quin Bishop. 10/09/2014
#2014-272 Executive Order assigns the 17th Circuit to the 15th Circuit re: Jermaine Neloms. 10/01/2014
#2014-271 Executive Order assigns the 13th Circuit to the 12th Circuit re: Craig Van De Weg. 10/01/2014
#2014-270 Executive Order assigns the 9th Circuit to the 7th Circuit re: death of Michelle O’Connell. 09/30/2014
#2014-269 Executive Order assigns the 14th Circuit to the 1st Circuit re: Beyanca Breyail Cannon. 09/25/2014
#2014-268 Executive Order assigns the 15th Circuit to the 17th Circuit re: Kevin Owens and John Floyd. 09/25/2014
#2014-267 Executive Order extends 13-324 re: Ainsley and Hensley Ferguson. 09/25/2014
#2014-266 Executive Order assigns the 14th Circuit to the 1st Circuit re: Michael Dwayne Land. 09/25/2014
#2014-264 Executive Order assigns the 15th Circuit to the 17th Circuit re: Anthony Sanchez. 09/18/2014
#2014-263 Executive Order assigns the 13th Circuit to the 12th Circuit re: James Frank Jones. 09/18/2014
#2014-262 Executive Order extends 13-268 re: Eric Cocar.. 09/18/2014
#2014-261 Executive Order assigns the 11th Circuit to the 17th Circuit re: Ashley Derstine. 09/18/2014
#2014-260 Executive Order amends 14-151 re: Robert Gilner. 09/18/2014
#2014-259 Executive Order extends 13-271 re: Betty Jefferson & Linda Ivery. 09/18/2014
#2014-258 Executive Order extends 13-277 re: Jermaine Neloms. 09/18/2014
#2014-257 Executive Order declares a vacancy on Bd. of Opticianry due to death of Christopher B. Mone. 09/16/2014
#2014-256 Executive Order extends 13-266 re: Jose Suarez, Cesar Banegas, & Sibia Martinez. 09/12/2014
#2014-255 Executive Order assigns the 10th circuit to the 20th circuit re: Steven M. Alexander. 09/12/2014
#2014-254 Executive Order assigns the 11th circuit to the 16th circuit re: Alexander Acs. 09/12/2014
#2014-253 Executive Order assigns the 1st circuit to the 14th circuit re: Jeffrey S. Mincy. 09/12/2014
#2014-252 Executive Order assigns the 18th circuit to the 7th circuit re: Reinaldo Delerme. 09/12/2014
#2014-251 Executive Order declares the date for a Special Election re: House District 13. 09/10/2014
#2014-250 Executive Order CONFIDENTAL
#2014-249 Executive Order assigns the 5th circuit to the 2nd circuit re: Shane Eugene Maxwell. 09/09/2014
#2014-248 Executive Order assigns the 5th circuit to the 8th circuit re: William Ezell. 09/08/2014
#2014-247 Executive Order assigns the 17th circuit to the 15th circuit re: Steven Banks. 09/04/2014
#2014-246 Executive Order assigns the 2nd circuit to the 3rd circuit re: Terry Trussell. 09/04/2014
#2014-245 Executive Order removes Richard Scott Batterson, Orlando-Orange Co. Expressway Authority. 08/29/2014
#2014-244 Executive Order declares a vacancy in the Okeechobee Board of Co. Commissioners due to death of Ray Domer. 08/27/2014
#2014-243 Executive Order assigns the 14th circuit to the 1st circuit re: Robert Darren Hamm. 08/25/2014
#2014-242 Executive Order extends 13-267 re: James Rawe. 08/25/2014
#2014-241 Executive Order assigns the 15th circuit to the 17th circuit re: Erica Fernandez. 08/25/2014
#2014-240 Executive Order assigns the 19th circuit to the 15th circuit re: Aaron Ofshlag. 08/25/2014
#2014-239 Executive Order assigns the 15th circuit to the 17th circuit re: Anthony C. Gress. 08/25/2014
#2014-238 Executive Order assigns the 11th circuit to the 17th circuit re: Brandon R. Leitz. 08/25/2014
#2014-237 Executive Order assigns the 14th circuit to the 1st circuit re: Michael Lynn McCombs. 08/20/2014
#2014-236 Executive Order assigns the 17th circuit to the 11th circuit re: Walter Taylor. 08/20/2014
#2014-235 Executive Order extends 13-206 re: Christopher Robert Smith and Amber Michelle Smith. 08/20/2014
#2014-234 Executive Order extends 10-154, 11-152, 12-154, and 13- 196 re: Thomas L. Reynolds. 08/20/2014
#2014-233 Executive Order assigns the 16th circuit to the 11th circuit re: Ruben Soto and Jose Hernandez. 08/20/2014
#2014-232 Executive Order extends 14-201 re: Rusty Rogers. 08/20/2014
#2014-231 Executive Order amends 14-222 re: Andrew Patrick Ziebell- correcting circuits. 08/20/2014
#2014-230 Executive Order CONFIDENTAL
#2014-229 Executive Order declares a violation of Ethics re: Eileen Quinn, former member Monroe Co. School Bd. 08/08/2014
#2014-228 Executive Order declares a vacancy in the Indian River Hosp. District Bd. of Trustees due to death of Trevor Smith. 08/06/2014
#2014-227 Executive Order assigns the 16th Circuit to the 11th Circuit re: Investigation into release of audio and video recordings. 08/06/2014
#2014-226 Executive Order assigns the 11th Circuit to the 17th Circuit re: Clement Plummer. 08/06/2014
#2014-225 Executive Order extends 13-233 re: Jimmy Ates. 08/05/2014
#2014-224 Executive Order assigns the 1st Circuit to the 14th Circuit re: Jeffery Blair Heath. 08/05/2014
#2014-223 Executive Order amends 14-195 re: Amanda Montenegro adding co-defendant Jennifer Florence Braun. 08/05/2014
#2014-222 Executive Order extends 13-205 re: Andrew Patrick Ziebell. 08/05/2014
#2014-221 Executive Order assigns the 12th Circuit to the 13th Circuit re: George Guida and Stephanie Fernandez. 08/05/2014
#2014-220 Executive Order assigns the 17th Circuit to the 11th Circuit re: Lawrence Ivey. 08/05/2014
#2014-219 Executive Order amends 14-210 re: Adding co-defendant Johany Roman. 07/25/2014
#2014-218 Executive Order extends 13-228 re: Marcos Santiago. 07/25/2014
#2014-217 Executive Order assigns the 12th Circuit to the 13th Circuit re: Monico Carmona. 07/25/2014
#2014-216 Executive Order extends 13-239 re: 4th Circuit Public Defender’s Office. 07/25/2014
#2014-215 Executive Order declares a vacancy in the Board of Respiratory Care due to death of Michele Grassi. 07/21/2014
#2014-214 Executive Order CONFIDENTAL
#2014-213 Executive Order assigns the 6th Circuit to the 13th Circuit re: Mark Kohut. 07/14/2014
#2014-212 Executive Order assigns the 15th Circuit to the 17th Circuit re: George G. Neuner Jr. 07/14/2014
#2014-211 Executive Order assigns the 18th Circuit to the 7th Circuit re: Christopher John Smith. 07/14/2014
#2014-210 Executive Order assigns the 17th Circuit to the 15th Circuit re: Erica Fernandez. 07/14/2014
#2014-209 Executive Order assigns the 17th Circuit to the 11th Circuit re: Juvenile L.H. 07/14/2014
#2014-208 Executive Order assigns the 6th Circuit to the 13th Circuit re: Venita Nakisha Gudes. 07/14/2014
#2014-207 Executive Order amends 14-180 re: Aaron Albert Stiner. 07/02/2014
#2014-206 Executive Order assigns the 1st Circuit to the 14th Circuit re: Kelly Patrice Watson. 07/02/2014
#2014-205 Executive Order assigns the 8th Circuit to the 5th Circuit re: Michael Edward Eyes, Sr. 07/02/2014
#2014-204 Executive Order assigns the 15th Circuit to the 17th Circuit re: Michael Scott Vonhedt. 07/02/2014
#2014-203 Executive Order assigns the 11th Circuit to the 17th Circuit re: Lance Frohock. 07/02/2014
#2014-202 Executive Order assigns the 13th Circuit to the 12th Circuit re: James Frank Jones. 07/02/2014
#2014-201 Executive Order amends 13-220 re: Rusty Rodgers. 07/02/2014
#2014-200 Executive Order extends 14-144 re: Flooding for certain counties. 06/25/2014
#2014-199 Executive Order amends 14-197 re: Homersa Ellington. 06/25/2014
#2014-198 Executive Order assigns the 19th Circuit to the 15th Circuit re: Sara O’Boyle. 06/24/2014
#2014-197 Executive Order assigns the 17th Circuit to the 11th Circuit re: Homersa Ellington. 06/24/2014
#2014-196 Executive Order assigns the 6th Circuit to the 13th Circuit re: Patrick C. Hannon. 06/24/2014
#2014-195 Executive Order assigns the 20th Circuit to the 19th Circuit re: Amanda Renee Montenegro. 06/24/2014
#2014-194 Executive Order assigns the 11th Circuit to the 17th Circuit re: Antonio Williams. 06/24/2014
#2014-193 Executive Order amends 14-192 re: Section 1 (changes the typo of Port St. Lucie to Town Member of Inglis). 06/23/2014
#2014-192 Executive Order suspends Michael Andrew White, member of Town Commission of Inglis, Levy County, FL. 06/23/2014
#2014-191 Executive Order assigns the 14th Circuit to the 1st Circuit re: Tommy Brad Wiser. 06/11/2014
#2014-190 Executive Order assigns the 14th Circuit to the 1st Circuit re: Zachary D. Oberhausen. 06/06/2014
#2014-189 Executive Order extends 13-177 re: Charles Heim, Jr. 06/06/2014
#2014-188 Executive Order extends 13-128 re: Madison Co. Voter Fraud. 06/06/2014
#2014-187 Executive Order assigns the 15th Circuit to the 17th Circuit re: MaryAnn Hatch. 06/06/2014
#2014-186 Executive Order assigns the 6th Circuit to the 13th Circuit re: Mark Eric Penix. 06/06/2014
#2014-185 Executive Order declares a violation of Ethics re: Chris Blair, Sheriff of Marion Co. 06/06/2014
#2014-184 Executive Order declares a violation of Ethics re: David T. Merker, Boynton Beach City Commissioner. 06/06/2014
#2014-183 Executive Order declares a vacancy in the Pinellas County Court due to death of Judge Patrick Caddell. 05/30/2014
#2014-182 Executive Order assigns the 15th Circuit to the 19th Circuit re: Jennifer Heard. 05/30/2014
#2014-181 Executive Order assigns the 15th Circuit to the 17th Circuit re: Miranda Murray. 05/30/2014
#2014-180 Executive Order assigns the 4th Circuit to the 7th Circuit re: Aaron Albert Stiner. 05/30/2014
#2014-179 Executive Order assigns the 14th Circuit to the 1st Circuit re: James Peter Tipton. 05/30/2014
#2014-178 Executive Order assigns the 15th Circuit to the 17th Circuit re: Judge Lynn Rosenthal (Lynn Feig). 05/29/2014
#2014-177 Executive Order declares a vacancy on the Workers’ Compensation Panel due to death of Jorge Durand. 05/23/2014
#2014-176 Executive Order CONFIDENTAL
#2014-175 Executive Order assigns the 19th Circuit to the 15th Circuit re: Moses Benjamin Baker. 05/22/2014
#2014-174 Executive Order assigns the 18th Circuit to the 19th Circuit re: Tavon Jackson. 05/22/2014
#2014-173 Executive Order assigns the 17th Circuit to the 15th Circuit re: David Hall. 05/22/2014
#2014-172 Executive Order assigns the 1st Circuit to the 14th Circuit re: Faith Bell. 05/22/2014
#2014-171 Executive Order amends 13-201 re: Durrel Paramore. 05/22/2014
#2014-170 Executive Order suspends Marie Luci Tondreau, Mayor, City of North Miami. 05/20/2014
#2014-169 Executive Order established a Mental Competency Commission re: John Ruthell Henry – Lifting Temp. Stay., 5/19/2014
#2014-168 Executive Order assigns the 18th Circuit to the 19th Circuit re: Brandi Colton. 05/15/2014
#2014-167 Executive Order assigns the 3rd Circuit to the 4th Circuit re: Obinna Prince Anum. 05/15/2014
#2014-166 Executive Order amends 14-35 re: Stacy Lee Scuderi. 05/15/2014
#2014-165 Executive Order assigns the 11th Circuit to the 17th Circuit re: Judge Gisele Pollack. 05/13/2014
#2014-164 Executive Order established a Mental Competency Commission re: John Ruthell Henry. 05/12/2014
#2014-163 Executive Order amends 13-303 re: Contessa Michella Bell – adding charge. 05/08/2014
#2014-162 Executive Order assigns the 18th Circuit to the 19th Circuit re: Edgar Rollins Brown II. 05/08/2014
#2014-161 Executive Order assigns the 15th Circuit to the 17th Circuit re: Molena Mompoint. 05/08/2014
#2014-160 Executive Order extends 13-164 re: Brandon Sleiman. 05/08/2014
#2014-159 Executive Order assigns the 19th Circuit to the 15th Circuit re: Roland Travis. 05/08/2014
#2014-158 Executive Order assigns the 13th Circuit to the 6th Circuit re: Edith Olling Miller. 05/08/2014
#2014-157 Executive Order assigns the 11th Circuit to the 17th Circuit re: Joshua H. Blenkle. 05/08/2014
#2014-156 Executive Order assigns the 5th Circuit to the 8th Circuit re: Brad Michael Shipley. 05/06/2014
#2014-155 Executive Order – Notary – Timothy Mike Craver. 05/02/2014
#2014-154 Executive Order – Notary – Jacqueline Johnson. 05/02/2014
#2014-153 Executive Order – Notary – Patricia A. Cloughsey. 05/02/2014
#2014-152 Executive Order Rescinds 13-294- Notary – William Gladden, Jr. 05/02/2014
#2014-151 Executive Order assigns the 13th Circuit to the 12th Circuit re: Robert Gilner. 05/01/2014
#2014-150 Executive Order assigns the 16th Circuit to the 11th Circuit re: potential witness tampering EO 13-201. 05/01/2014
#2014-149 Executive Order assigns the 4th Circuit to the 7th Circuit re: Nathaniel Gollehur. 05/01/2014
#2014-148 Executive Order assigns the 7th Circuit to the 4th Circuit re: Maximillian Holliday. 05/01/2014
#2014-147 Executive Order assigns the 4th Circuit to the 8th Circuit re: Aimee Nichole Griffin. 04/30/2014
#2014-146 Executive Order assigns the 19th Circuit to the 15th Circuit re: Iorrany Mendes. 04/30/2014
#2014-145 Executive Order assigns the 12th Circuit to the 20th Circuit re: Warren Hamilton. 04/30/2014
#2014-144 Executive Order declares State of Emergency. 04/30/2014
#2014-143 Executive Order suspends Richard Batterson of the Orlando-Orange county expressway authority. 04/24/2014
#2014-142 Executive Order extends 13-118 re: Corey Scott Simmons. 04/22/2014
#2014-141 Executive Order assigns the 13th Circuit to the 12th Circuit re: Willie Brown III. 04/22/2014
#2014-140 Executive Order amends 14-34 re: Stacy Lee Scuderi. 04/22/2014
#2014-139 Executive Order assigns the 11th Circuit to the 17th Circuit re: Austin Stewart. 04/22/2014
#2014-138 Executive Order declares a vacancy for the Alachua County Tax Collector due to the death of Von Fraser. 04/18/2014
#2014-137 Executive Order declares a vacancy for the Hendry County School Board due to the death of Ray Clinard. 04/16/2014
#2014-136 Executive Order reinstates Ronald Edward Bowman, member of Port St. Lucie City Council. 04/14/2014
#2014-135 Executive Order assigns the 20th Circuit to the 10th Circuit re: Denise Tinga. 04/11/2014
#2014-134 Executive Order extends 13-85 re: Jose Adrian Suarez. 04/11/2014
#2014-133 Executive Order assigns the 8th Circuit to the 4th Circuit re: Tommy Demetrist Cobb. 04/11/2014
#2014-132 Executive Order assigns the 14th Circuit to the 1st Circuit re: Debra J. Mason. 04/11/2014
#2014-131 Executive Order assigns the 11th Circuit to the 17th Circuit re: Corey A. Ackerman. 04/11/2014
#2014-130 Executive Order assigns the 1st Circuit to the 14th Circuit re: Gregory Darnell Glover. 04/11/2014
#2014-129 Executive Order assigns the 19th Circuit to the 15th Circuit re: Daniel Pinho. 04/11/2014
#2014-128 Executive Order assigns the 6th Circuit to the 13th Circuit re: Plant City Officials. 04/11/2014
#2014-127 Executive Order Rescinds 13-187- Notary – Daniele Gordon. 04/08/2014
#2014-126 Executive Order Rescinds 13-253- Notary – Jessika Reyes. 04/04/2014
#2014-125 Executive Order Rescinds 13-261- Notary – Nicole Flikier. 04/04/2014
#2014-123 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Sara Talvan. 03/25/2014
#2014-122 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Andrea Gillespie. 03/25/2014
#2014-121 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Caroline J. Bonds. 03/25/2014
#2014-120 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Teresa L. Lampp. 03/25/2014
#2014-119 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Jean Aleandre. 03/25/2014
#2014-118 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Eric Azerzer. 03/25/2014
#2014-117 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Jarrod Gordon. 03/25/2014
#2014-116 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Michael John Lee. 03/25/2014
#2014-115 Executive Order Suspends Notary – David Chaves. 03/25/2014
#2014-114 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Jenna R. Childs. 03/25/2014
#2014-113 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Erin M. Horton. 03/25/2014
#2014-112 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Giancarlo Tommasello. 03/25/2014
#2014-111 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Shawn Boyle. 03/25/2014
#2014-110 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Jolene R. Jones. 03/25/2014
#2014-109 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Autumn Walsh. 03/25/2014
#2014-108 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Rebecca Joyce Nixon. 03/25/2014
#2014-107 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Cherie Shannon Smith. 03/25/2014
#2014-106 Executive Order extends 13-93 re: Michael Anthony Arguelles. 03/19/2014
#2014-105 Executive Order assigns the 14th Circuit to the 1st Circuit re: Marian and Emilie McMillan. 03/19/2014
#2014-104 Executive Order assigns the 12th Circuit to the 20th Circuit re: Harry Claridy. 03/19/2014
#2014-103 Executive Order assigns the 17th Circuit to the 11th Circuit re: Milagros F. Ledesma. 03/19/2014
#2014-102 Executive Order amends 14-82 re: Douglas Giblin. 03/19/2014
#2014-101 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Michelle R. Davis-Hypes. 03/18/2014
#2014-100 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Shelley L. Bushey. 03/18/2014
#2014-99 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Kelly LaMotte. 03/18/2014
#2014-98 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Arian Charlton. 03/18/2014
#2014-97 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Amy L. Thompson. 03/18/2014
#2014-96 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Danielle Taylor. 03/18/2014
#2014-95 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Sonya Loturco. 03/18/2014
#2014-94 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Jennifer M. Thompson. 03/18/2014
#2014-93 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Tamala J. Grecni. 03/18/2014
#2014-92 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Lori J. Gulden. 03/18/2014
#2014-91 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Huberta Rejouis. 03/18/2014
#2014-90 Executive Order assigns the 17th Circuit to the 11th Circuit re: Roger Carter. 03/17/2014
#2014-89 Executive Order extends 12-279 re: George Zimmerman. 03/17/2014
#2014-88 Executive Order establishes the Governor’s Veterans’ Service Awards. 03/13/2014
#2014-87 Executive Order extends 13-83 re: Farah Ali. 03/06/2014
#2014-86 Executive Order assigns the 17th Circuit to the 11th Circuit re: Nicholas Marin and Britt Capmany. 03/06/2014
#2014-85 Executive Order extends 13-99 re: Jared Parkey. 03/06/2014
#2014-84 Executive Order assigns the 16th Circuit to the 11th Circuit re: Anthony Ricardo. 03/06/2014
#2014-83 Executive Order assigns the 17th Circuit to the 11th Circuit re: Sasha Coar. 03/06/2014
#2014-82 Executive Order amends 14-41 adding charges re: Douglas Giblin. 03/06/2014
#2014-81 Executive Order extends 13-61 re: Lavell Nixon. 03/06/2014
#2014-80 Executive Order assigns the 1st Circuit to the 14th Circuit re: Steve Gordon Mears. 02/25/2014
#2014-79 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Tammy Scarborough. 02/25/2014
#2014-78 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Natasha Ortiz. 02/25/2014
#2014-77 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Stephanie Teston. 02/25/2014
#2014-76 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Melissa G. Cribbs. 02/25/2014
#2014-75 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Leora M. Usina. 02/25/2014
#2014-74 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Tara Lynne Callegari. 02/25/2014
#2014-73 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Jeremy Pitts. 02/25/2014
#2014-72 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Kesia Velez. 02/25/2014
#2014-71 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Lauri Christensen. 02/25/2014
#2014-70 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Jerry Johnson. 02/25/2014
#2014-69 Executive Order assigns the 12th Circuit to the 20th Circuit re: Tonya Smith. 02/17/2014
#2014-68 Executive Order assigns the 9th Circuit to the 10th Circuit re: Tori Lynn Walker. 02/17/2014
#2014-67 Executive Order assigns the 17th Circuit to the 11th Circuit re: Kenneth Adams, Stacey Eady and Jabari Grant. 02/17/2014
#2014-66 Executive Order CONDIFENTIAL.
#2014-65 Executive Order assigns the 14th Circuit to the 1st Circuit re: Johnathan Ard. 02/17/2014
#2014-64 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Angelic D. Davidson. 02/12/2014
#2014-63 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Angela Harris. 02/12/2014
#2014-62 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Ronald Moura. 02/12/2014
#2014-61 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Mary Lou Hardman. 02/12/2014
#2014-60 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Gary Antich. 02/12/2014
#2014-59 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Kimberly K. Revels. 02/12/2014
#2014-58 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Carolyn Ann Knowles. 02/12/2014
#2014-57 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Wendy L. Jopko. 02/12/2014
#2014-56 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Robert Flores. 02/12/2014
#2014-55 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Christina Michelle Creech. 02/12/2014
#2014-54 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Scott E. Rovenger. 02/12/2014
#2014-53 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Ricky L. Collins. 02/12/2014
#2014-52 Executive Order assigns the 10th Circuit to the 20th Circuit re: David Doerr. 02/10/2014
#2014-51 Executive Order assigns the 15th Circuit to the 17th Circuit re: Alexandra Keiler. 02/10/2014
#2014-50 Executive Order extends 13-88 re: Aaron M. Riggins. 02/10/2014
#2014-49 Executive Order assigns the 11th Circuit to the 16th Circuit re: Karan Clark. 02/10/2014
#2014-48 Executive Order assigns the 1st Circuit to the 14th Circuit re: Sherri Denton Mallory. 02/10/2014
#2014-47 Executive Order assigns the 15th Circuit to the 19th Circuit re: Michael Ewing. 02/10/2014
#2014-46 Executive Order extends 13-65 re: Donald Carl Vinson. 02/10/2014
#2014-45 Executive Order extends 13-64 re: Rodney Larry Robinson. 02/10/2014
#2014-44 Executive Order extends 13-66 re: Ruben Mendoza-Mendoza. 02/10/2014
#2014-43 Executive Order extends 13-38 re: Christopher Robert Smith. 02/10/2014
#2014-42 Executive Order assigns the 13th Circuit to the 12th Circuit re: David Scott Rieth. 02/10/2014
#2014-41 Executive Order assigns the 7th Circuit to the 4th Circuit re: Douglas Giblin and Susan Champion. 02/10/2014
#2014-40 Executive Order assigns the 13th Circuit to the 12th Circuit re: Zachary Brown. 02/10/2014
#2014-39 Executive Order declares a violation of Ethics re: Fidelia Nnadi, former member of Minority Business Enterprise/Women-Owned Business Enterprise. 02/10/2014
#2014-38 Executive Order declares a violation of Ethics re: Moises Colon, Notary Public. 02/10/2014
#2014-37 Executive Order declares a vacancy on the Glades County Board of Commissioners due to death of Dennis Griffin. 02/10/2014
#2014-36 Executive Order assigns the 15th Circuit to the 20th Circuit re: David Zandri. 02/06/2014
#2014-35 Executive Order assigns the 15th Circuit to the 20th Circuit re: Stacey Lee Scuderi. 02/06/2014
#2014-34 Executive Order CONFIDENTIAL.
#2014-33 Executive Order declares a special election date re: Congressional District – District 19, Trey Radel. 01/31/2014
#2014-32 Executive Order removes Manuel Marono, Mayor of the City of Sweetwater. 01/24/2014
#2014-31 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Ann M. McDaniell. 01/24/2014
#2014-30 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Sharon Rash. 01/24/2014
#2014-29 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Marquito F. Lewis. 01/24/2014
#2014-28 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Roy Freeman. 01/24/2014
#2014-27 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Ana Luisa Urena. 01/24/2014
#2014-26 Executive Order CONFIDENTIAL.
#2014-25 Executive Order extends 13-27 re: Anthony Pugliese and Joseph Reamer. 01/22/2014
#2014-24 Executive Order extends 13-46 re: Carlos Gutierrez. 01/22/2014
#2014-23 Executive Order amends 13-369 re: Douglas Rowe. 01/22/2014
#2014-22 Executive Order assigns the 1st Circuit to the 14th Circuit re: Sharneah Daniels and Alexis Speights. 01/22/2014
#2014-21 Executive Order extends 13-59 re: Bharat Madhyani. 01/22/2014
#2014-20 Executive Order assigns the 14th Circuit to the 1st Circuit re: Russell Adam Cannon. 01/22/2014
#2014-19 Executive Order assigns the 19th Circuit to the 15th Circuit re: Roland Travis. 01/22/2014
#2014-18 Executive Order assigns the 11th Circuit to the 17th Circuit re: Brahmanand Hardat. 01/22/2014
#2014-17 Executive Order assigns the 11th Circuit to the 17th Circuit re: Alexander Imperato. 01/22/2014
#2014-16 Executive Order declares a violation of Ethics re: Lori Gulden, Notary. 01/17/2014
#2014-15 Executive Order removes Fred Lee Jones, member of Town Council of Malone. 01/17/2014
#2014-14 Executive Order suspends Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco, Mayor of Tamarac. 01/17/2014
#2014-13 Executive Order Suspends Notary – Elsa Candelario. 01/16/2014
#2014-12 Executive Order Superseding EO 13-349 Notary – Tawnia Adams. 01/16/2014
#2014-11 Executive Order declares the date for a Special Election re: House District 44. 01/10/2014
#2014-10 Executive Order assigns the 4th Circuit to the 7th Circuit re: Thomas Tyler Rush. 01/10/2014
#2014-09 Executive Order assigns the 11th Circuit to the 17th Circuit re: Anthony John Franco. 01/10/2014
#2014-08 Executive Order assigns the 17th Circuit to the 15th Circuit re: Stewart Johnson, Jr. 01/10/2014
#2014-07 Executive Order assigns the 11th Circuit to the 16th Circuit re: Anthony Caruso. 01/10/2014
#2014-06 Executive Order assigns the 11th Circuit to the 16th Circuit re: Franklin Cohens. 01/10/2014
#2014-05 Executive Order assigns the 14th Circuit to the 1st Circuit re: Haley Crawford. 01/10/2014
#2014-04 Executive Order assigns the 17th Circuit to the 15th Circuit re: Walter Scott. 01/10/2014
#2014-03 Executive Order suspends City Commissioner Haywood G. “Butch” Bundy of the City of Longwood. 01/10/2014
#2014-02 Executive Order declares a vacancy for the Citrus Co. Property Appraisers Office due to death of Geoffrey Greene. 01/06/2014
#2014-01 Executive Order declares a vacancy for the 4th Judicial Circuit due to death of Jean M. Johnson. 01/02/2014

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